
Friday 26 August 2011

Rhyming Ability...

Hello friend,
Glad to see you again!
I thought I would let you in
On how this blog will begin.

There's a social experiment on the way,
About perception = how much you weigh,
I'm blogging about my favourite things,
Where to go and what is in.

About beauty and glamour, fashion and fun
In this beautiful island in the sun!
And when to another place I fly,
I'll share the things that have caught my eye.

Visit again when you have the time,
I'm looking forward to our 'cyber' lime.

(Reading Dr. Suess you see
gives you super rhyming ability)

Saturday 20 August 2011

Welcome (and what now?!)

I said I was going to start a blog - so here I am. The question is "what now?". It's an infernal question that could be applied to so many circumstances - the end of a relationship, marriage (the beginning and end of), gaining a degree, a new born baby and job loss, to name a few.  My life has been a series of "what now?"'s

There is no tried and true answer to the question - the only one that seems to work for me is - "just bloody get on with it and learn as you go along" (usually it's in my mother's voice, but more on that "voice" later)

So welcome and let's see where this takes us.

My content may be full of ramblings , disjointed conversations and random bits until I have a clear idea about where this blog is heading, and that's what makes life fun. Bear with me as I test my weird sense of humour and untried hand at keeping an audience interested - you will survive - I promise.